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ArtWorks 2 changes

Changes between 2.XI.01 and 2.X2.00 (07-May-12):

New features:

  • Artistic Lines
  • added "select page range" feature for PDF import (enabled by default)


  • added Convert thin lines option for Draw import
  • paper size is correctly imported from Draw (when dragged to icon bar)
  • Show print border status imported from Draw (when dragged to icon bar)
  • added Artistic line object type to Filter dialogue box
  • right click in Freehand tool clears the selection

Bug fixes:

  • PNG export (either when exporting a PNG file via BMExport or when exporting an SVG file) now works on RISC OS 5.18
  • fixed Draw import bug when exporting very complex dash patterns (>50 elements)

Changes between 2.X.00 and 2.XI.00 (15-Apr-11):

New features:

  • new Styles Panel
  • fully ARMv7 compatible, so it runs on the Cortex-A8 as used in the BeagleBoard
  • added Selective Paste Attributes (Edit => Paste attributes has a sub-menu structure to allow individual attributes to be pasted)
  • colours can be deleted by dragging them to a dustbin icon in the Colour Bar


  • the Colour Bar drags solid colour patches instead of dashed boxes
  • improved compatibility on foreign filing systems, e.g., networking filing systems or HostFS in VRPC/Mac

Bug fixes:

  • far too large areas were redrawn, which slowed down editing (bug #404)
  • shape edits redraw full bounding box including shadow (bug #421)
  • fixed colour bar detaching (bug #418)
  • fixed upper case sprite names generated by PDF import - they cause problems when used outside ArtWorks (bug #393)
  • fix EM00 error when closing document with align box open (bug #376)

Changes between 2.93 and 2.X.00 (22-Apr-10):

New features:

  • A new shadow tool allows you to apply transparent shadows to any object. Shadowed objects remain fully editable.
  • A new "Paste attributes" menu entry in the "Edit" menu allows you to transfer all properties from an object on the clipboard to one or more objects in the current document. This works between documents.
  • An "Open recent" entry in the icon bar menu. Its submenu contains the most recently loaded files and allows you to open them quickly by choosing them from the menu.


  • You can make a single layer or all layers visible easily. To make a single layer visible and all other layers invisible hold down Shift while clicking on the layer's visibility icon in the layer list (the small eye symbol). To make all layers visible simply click on the visibility icon again while still holding down Shift.
  • Spot colour contone sprites (from white to a spot colour) appear on the spot colour plate in exported PDF files instead of being exported in process colour space.
  • added "ellipses from centre" option to PathTool prefs.

Bug fixes:

  • fixed fancy quotes and dashes import from PDF (only worked in Base14 fonts) (bug #377)
  • fixed PDF/SVG output of degenerate graduated fills/transparency (e.g., zero radius radial fills)
  • sprites with different locally edited palettes are correctly exported to PDF (bug #378)
  • fixed minor transparency attribute handling anomalies (attribute flag missing)
  • fixed PDF export of contone sprites that are not in CMYK space
  • fixed bug in Crystal that sometimes caused transparency to be applied when a slider in a different tool (e.g., freehand) was dragged

Changes between 2.91 and 2.93 (09-May-09):

New features:

  • dropping an ArtWorks file into an ArtWorks windows inserts it as additional pages (with warnings about master layers and differing page sizes)

Bug fixes:

  • "Masked background" option for bitmap export is remembered for PNG export (bug #361)
  • Fixed ED04 error when starting a bitmap export export from an inactive window (bug #360)

Changes between 2.90 and 2.91 (02-May-09):

Bug fixes:

  • fixed envelopes and perspectives (broken in 2.90)

Changes between 2.82 and 2.90 (22-Apr-09):

New features:

  • "Alpha mask" option added to BMExport
  • "Smart quotes" option added to TextArea
  • "Automatic ligatures" option added to TextArea
  • "Transpose characters" shortcut (Ctrl-T) added to TextArea
  • "Swap case" shortcut (Ctrl-S) for single characters and the selection added to TextArea
  • PDF export option are remembered for each document and saved with the document, plus "Set values" button in PDF export dialogue box (as in BMExport dialogue box)
  • "Page" => "Move page" => "Backwards", "Forwards" added
  • "Page" => "Duplicate page" added
  • Utilities => "Delete unused colours" added (this option retains the standard colours, i.e., the first 17 colours created in the document)
  • Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown go to first/last page of document
  • Origin for "Show coordinates" can be set to the corners/centre of the selection, to the currently selected path anchor point or back to the page origin


  • Includes versions of DitherExtend and GSpriteExtend that can render to 64k screen modes
  • PDF export exports registration black and crop marks use registration black, too
  • Sprites with alpha masks and 64k colour sprites are rejected with more appropriate error messages

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug that caused gibberish to be stored in the choices section of saved files after the "SerialNumber" string
  • Fixed bug in PathTool that prevented error handling during EPS import from happening, so there could be a long stream of errors and/or crashes (bug #356)
  • Fixed test for files generated by the RISC OS PostScript printer driver in EPS import (worked for Printers+/Printers 1.64 but did not cover creator string in RO5 !Printers) (bug #356)
  • Compressed PDF export copes with complex pages instead of displaying "Line to long" (bug #353)
  • Page colour is considered used, so it cannot be deleted
  • Fixed "Fit lots" printing for multi-page files (used to skip pages) (bug #343)
  • Removing colours in documents with reordered colours works correctly (bug #358)
  • Documents with reordered colours in which colours were deleted in non-reordering-aware versions are loaded correctly (no crashes) (bug #358)
  • "Default" button in PDF export box resets crop marks option and page options, too

Changes between 2.81 and 2.82 (28-Apr-08):

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed printing of sprites imported from PDF.

Changes between 2.80 and 2.81 (28-Apr-08):

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed PDF import "hanging" problem.

Changes between 2.75 and 2.80 (25-Apr-08):

New features:

  • PDF import

Changes between 2.74 and 2.75 (10-Aug-07):

New features:

  • New "Align to page" option in the alignment dialogue box, which acts as if the page was a selected object as well, so "Align right" aligns to the right edge of the page instead of the right edge of the rightmost selected object. The option has no impact on distributing objects.


  • Transform, MRotate and MScale tools use the real object centre for polygon objects instead of the centre of the bounding box (you can revert to the old behaviour by clicking on the middle button of the 3x3 matrix using the Adjust mouse button).
  • The state of the "Area" and "Length" buttons in the shape info box is kept when the box is closed.

Bug fixes:

  • Shape clipping problems on A9Home fixed (Intersect, Draw export, Hatch) (bugs #268 and #292).
  • Several long-standing object handling bugs fixed that caused various problems, e.g., occasional crashes when copying text objects (bugs #84, #156, #194, #286, #304, #305)
  • Fixed text to shape conversion undo - no longer creates invalid object structures (which would trigger the above object handling bugs) and the fill colour and other attributes are retained (bugs #158 and #293).
  • Major changes to the alignment dialogue box. It is now safe to use the Adjust button to keep the box open and select different objects (or even a different document) and it is safe to undo/redo alignments while the box is open (bugs #283 and #306).
  • Changing group size marks document as modified (bug #303).
  • Problems with "Extra grids" in conjunction with multi-page documents fixed. The Grids layer is now created as master layer if doc has more than one page and the Grids layer in a single page document is upgraded to a master layer when another page is added to the document (bug #302).
  • The layer list window is updated after the Grids layer has been created.
  • Blending from/to a ClipView no longer leads to a crash - instead, the ClipView is removed (bug #261). "Make shapes" on a ClipView works like on a group - the ClipView is removed. In both cases the shapes are not statically clipped though.
  • Graduated transparency is correctly transformed inside moulds and perspectives (bugs #273, #299).
  • When the selected document changes, then the colours in the linear/radial fill Info Bar are updated (fixes Ec03 errors if one of the colours is not available in the newly selected document).

Changes between 2.73 and 2.74 (01-Jun-07):

Bug fixes:

  • Fix for incorrect number in compressed PDF output that caused RiScript to reject the files with a "Xref table overflow" error (other PDF readers accept the files).
  • Fix for graduated non-mix transparency sometimes spreading to other objects in PDF export.
  • Minor fix for inserting pages (with the hand tool active by default and no window having ever been made active inserting a page would cause a crash)
  • Printed tile coordinates fixed, tiling marks corrected
  • The font used for printing tile marks and separation names is declared to the driver (makes PostScript output more reliable)

Changes between 2.72 and 2.73 (17-May-07):

Bug fixes:

  • New body layers created on any page were moved to page 1 when changing page - fixed
  • Corrected internal positions of newly created body and master layers
  • Corrected internal positions of layers dragged to empty master sections

Changes between 2.71 and 2.72 (17-May-07):

Bug fixes:

  • compression wrote incorrect PDF files (missing "endobj" markers), but luckily most viewers, e.g., Adobe Reader, would not care, but RiScript does - fixed
  • fixed user interface interaction of All/Current/Range buttons with Page and Drawing buttons (PDF export dialogue box)

Changes between 2.70 and 2.71 (16-May-07):

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Current page option for PDF export - always resulted in EG03 error.

Changes between 2.63 and 2.70 (14-May-07):

New features:

  • Multi-page handling (insert/go to/delete page options), multi-page printing, new Fit same pages print option
  • Export PDF files with multiple pages.
  • Master layers that appear on ever page, or only on odd or even pages.
  • New Use compression option to create PDF file with internal compression, in particular for embedded bitmaps
  • Spot colour and overprinting information is included in exported PDF files (for flat and graduated colours only, not for contone sprites)
  • The colours on the colour bar can be reordered. The new order is used for the colour menu, too, and is saved with the document.
  • The layer list can be a permanent window.
  • In the colour editor you can sample colours from anywhere on the screen.
  • The text of all selected text objects or all objects on the current page or in the complete document can be exported as a text file, e.g., for external spell checking.


  • Provides document path as title for PS printing.
  • The document structure is checked when a document is loaded to avoid crashes when loading a corrupted ArtWorks document.
  • PDF export fixes incorrect glyph bounding boxes - improves PDF export of slightly odd fonts.
  • Error boxes look nicer because they no longer use the System font.
  • Keyboard shortcuts to open the separations list and to cycle through the available separations.
  • Anchor and control points can be moved even when shift is held down to suppress the accidental creation of additional anchor points.
  • Keyboard shortcuts to scroll the window up/down by the vertical extent of the window.
  • Added Quiet button in the warning box about unused sprites when saving.
  • The New view entries open a new view in WYSIWYG 0 (wireframe mode) if the Alt key is held down.
  • Nicer hue bar in HSV colour editor.
  • Up/down arrows for Copies and Scaling fields in Print dialogue box.
  • Cosmetic updates to various dialogue boxes.

Bug fixes:

  • Greyed out icons no longer vanish on RO4/Select.
  • PDF export tolerates empty paths (bug #275).
  • Bitmap export works correctly even if document is not selected (e.g., right after loading it without clicking into it to make it active) (bug #274)

Changes between 2.62 and 2.63 (03-Jan-07):


  • added "#XXXXXX" web colour creation
  • added Paste in place menu entry

Bug fixes:

  • minor PDF export compatibility fix (bug #280)
  • copes with slightly different RISC OS 6 command line (bug #282)
  • displays correct pasteboard and page background on RISC OS 6 (bug #281)
  • crash on A9Home/RO6 preview after pressing Return in a dialogue box with default OK button fixed (bug #279)

Changes between 2.61 and 2.62 (02-Aug-06):

New features:

  • The path info dialogue box has a button to compute the path length in addition to the path area

Bug fixes:

  • PathUtils module now correctly supports Undo (bug #267)
  • Text lines and text areas did not work correctly in screen modes with 16 colours or less (bug #262)
  • Applying a ClipView to a text area would lead to crashes (bug #263)
  • Exported PNG files did not have any compression (bug #269)
  • Some abnormal feature combination could prevent text objects from being exported to PDF (bug #272)

Changes between 2.59 and 2.61 (10-May-06):

New features:

  • added instant update when editing graduated fills and options in PathTool choices box
  • added "Internal" option for arrowheads
  • added lots of new arrowheads
  • anchor point is shown in arrowhead list and preview field
  • PathTool: added "Apply internal arrowheads by default" option
  • Crystal: added option "Switch transparency off when loading a document without transparency" (makes sense now because ArtWorks 2.4 and above save the transparency status with the document, so without this option, it would always remain on even after all transparency was removed from the document)
  • Crystal: transparency is switched on in the target document when a transparent object is copied and "Switch transparency on when applying transparency" is on

Bug fixes:

  • Text area import from Draw allows empty lines (used to cause errors)
  • Text area import from Draw correctly treats alignment changes as line breaks (alignment is ignored though)

Changes between 2.57 and 2.59 (04-May-06)

Bug fixes:

  • fixed colour patch rendering in colour bar and colour menu with RISC OS 4.4 (A9Home)
  • fixed command line scanning bug which caused an error with RISC OS 4.4 (A9Home)

Changes between 2.56 and 2.57 (06-Feb-06)

Bug fixes:

  • The "Interlaced", "Transparent BG" and "Error diffusion" options in the bitmap export dialogue box were not saved with the document (always assumed to be "off")
  • The bitmap export and the advanced options dialogue box reverted to "keep after use" in order to allow the current settings to be kept for documents without saved information

Changes between 2.55 and 2.56 (31-Jan-06)

Bug fixes:

  • two problems with PDF export of transparent ClipViews fixed (bugs #251 and #252)
  • PDF export of rotated text areas fixed (bug #253)
  • dialogue boxes in BMExport, PathTool, TextTool and TextArea changed from "keep after use" to "delete after use" (to avoid hitting the dialogue box limit in ArtWorks)

Changes between 2.54 and 2.55 (08-Dec-05)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed SVG/PDF export ("SWI not known" error)

Changes between 2.53 and 2.54 (02-Dec-05):

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed rendering of envelopes and perspectives inside ClipViews (bug #249)
  • fixed PDF export of some exotic format sprites (bug #248)
  • PDF and SVG boxes not kept allocated while not being used (to try and avoid hitting the dialogue box limit in ArtWorks)

Changes between 2.52 and 2.53 (14-Nov-05):

New features:

  • added Add extension option in Draw choices window (on by default) to add "_d" to the suggested filename for Draw export (to avoid overwriting the original ArtWorks file)

Bug fixes:

  • fixed EPS/Draw output of unnamed CMYK colours (most notably in blends) (bug #246)
  • fixed CMYK TIFF output (inconsistent values in the header that often prevented PhotoDesk from loading the files correctly)

Changes between 2.51 and 2.52 (03-Nov-05):

New features:

  • Document information (creator application, author and creation date) and a unique ID (required for some workflows) are added to exported PDF files
  • If a bleed area is present it is exported if the area is set to Page
  • Add crop marks option to export crop marks.

Bug fixes:

  • PDF export of monochrome JPEG images fixed (were exported incorrectly)

Changes between 2.50 and 2.51 (20-Oct-05):

Bug fixes:

  • PDF export fixed for graduated transparency directly after an object with flat transparency (flat transparency was applied on top of the graduated transparency)

Changes between 2.41 and 2.50 (20-Oct-05):

New features:

  • Direct PDF Export added

Bug fixes:

  • "Colours" field in sprite pool sprite info window corrected (bug #241)
  • Sprites with 256 colours or less were rendered incorrectly in the sprite pool window in true colour modes - fixed (was broken in 2.4) (bug #240)
  • Opening the "Extra grids" dialogue box without selecting the window and switching the grid on could lead to an ED04 error - fixed (bug #160)
  • Fixed Extra grids rendering with Crystal switched on (bug #239)

Changes between 2.40 and 2.41 (18-May-05):

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Draw/EPS output of unnamed HSV colours (bug #230)

Changes between 2.34 and 2.40 (17-May-05):

New features:

  • Size of exported (true-colour) Sprite or TIFF files is no longer restricted by the amount of available RAM (does not apply to JPEG, PNG and GIF export and to sprites with 256 colours or less)
  • JPEG and PNG export added
  • CMYK Sprite/TIFF export added
  • BMExport offers a global choices dialogue box with configuration options: "Overwrite without warning", "Auto-select Selection scope", "Remember leafname", "Add file extension", "Even for sprites"
  • Bitmap export of individual colour separations, including "Current window separation", which is useful to export spot colour separations.
  • BMExport remembers the most recently used bitmap export settings for each document and saves them with the document.
  • "Set values" button in bitmap export dialogue box stores the values without having to use them.
  • BMExport uses the leaf name of the file as the sprite name.
  • Rainbow blends: Added "Colour transition" menu in Blend Info Bar with "Fade", "Rainbow" and "Alternate Rainbow" options. "Rainbow" blends along the shorter path in the colour circle, "Alternate Rainbow" blends along the longer path, which is usually a very colourful transition. NB: The longest colour transition happens when the source and target colours are the same!
  • Full support for CMYK sprites added, including full-quality printing to true-colour bitmap printer drivers, direct printing to PostScript with full CMYK colour information and colour-separated on-screen display.
  • Colour separation for JPEGs added (on-screen and printing)
  • Added "Print with anti-aliasing" option to Crystal choices dialogue box
  • Up to now, marquee selection using Adjust always selected the enclosed objects. Now, the Adjust-drag marquee selection behaviour can be controlled in the Selector Info Bar. Options are "Selects", "Deselects" and "Toggles". The setting is saved when the user chooses "Save choices".
  • Added "Anchor" option in Selector Info Bar - available when there is a single path object selected. The option allows the selection of path anchor points via marquee drag. The "Adjust-drag" option applies, too.
  • Translate tool moves anchor points if there is a single path object selected and there are selected anchor points
  • Minor new feature in PathTool: Holding down Shift while selecting anchor points suppresses other possible actions (insert new anchor point, add new line/curve segment), thus making it easier to just select points without accidentally editing the path.
  • Crystal now supports background blended text correctly
  • Background blending options added to document choices dialogue box. Blending can be controlled separately for text lines and text areas. Default is "on".


  • Scale/Aspect/Dpi fields in Sprite object info box are displayed with 2 decimal places instead of only showing integer numbers, Width/Height is computed more accurately, fractional values can be entered for Scale/Aspect
  • Blend user interface improved: The number of blend steps and the colour transition can be set before applying a blend and the most recently applied values are the defaults for new blends.
  • "Transparency (Crystal)" option in BMExport is selected according to document's current transparency setting
  • "Colour correction" option renamed to "Read TurboDriver separation" (to reflect what it does!)
  • Crystal's transparency setting is saved in files (but note the options to change the setting when loading a document)
  • Shapes with a graduated fill and without a line colour are displayed with better quality (curves were not quite round before)
  • Improved error message when importing non-deep new format sprite (mentions this fact rather than just saying "Invalid sprite mode").
  • No colour correction table is loaded by default - linear tables are used
  • Added German messages for SVGExport
  • BMExport disallows spaces in the file name field.

Bug fixes:

  • GDraw rendering engine fixed (could crash under certain circumstances in conjunction with Crystal or BMExport)
  • Fixed an obscure error that could cause persistent crashes when clicking on the canvas, e.g., sometimes after continuing after an "Undo buffer full" warning (bug #223).
  • Fixed minor problem of values being incorrectly updated in the bitmap export
  • Fix for incorrect bounding box computations when moving group objects containing ClipViews (bug #214)
  • Fixed printing of true colour sprites after printing separations (bug #217)
  • Fixed printing of separations (or downsampled CMYK sprites) to true colour printer drivers (bug #219)
  • Fixed printing of paletted sprites to true colour printer drivers (bug #220)
  • TextEdit Info Bar could sometimes be empty (bug #215)
  • WYSIWYG dial is updated correctly when the WYSIWYG value is changed from the menu, using a shortcut or by entering a new value into the input field (bug #211)
  • Ctrl-Shift-P hotkey removed (preview) (bug #205)
  • Fixed bug that prevented Draw text areas from being imported (bug #206)
  • Fixed Draw text area import: allowed width was always increased by 5pt (bug #222)
  • Default font for font substitution during Draw text area import changed from AvantG.Book to Homerton.Medium
  • Fixed Crystal printing (invalid parameter to system call might have caused crashes)
  • Fixed interaction of Group/Ungroup keyboard shortcut with other features (e.g., could unexpectedly open the clipboard window - bug #201)
  • Linear cmyk separation tables corrected (in C, M, Y and UCR curves, 255 was mapped to 254)

Changes between 2.33 and 2.34 (24-Feb-05):

  • under certain circumstances when closing a document there could be a recurring "EM00" error - fixed (bugs #186 and #208)
  • 32k and 16M colour sprites with an internal resolution setting of 180dpi are now handled correctly (size computation was wrong in earlier versions) (bug #209)
  • SVGExport contains later version of 26-bit spr2png executable
  • SVGExport runs enhanced 32-bit version of spr2png if possible (if 32-bit CLib is loaded), so 180dpi sprites can be exported as PNGs (bug #210)
  • Auto-save uses background processing time in a much more economical way

Changes between 2.32 and 2.33 (22-Dec-04):

  • significant stability and performance improvements for Draw/EPS export of graduated fills (most notably fixes for massive problems with blends between shapes with graduated fills) - bug #197
  • some clipping problems during Draw/EPS export fixed, much better handling of remaining clipping errors
  • correctly exports pattern-fills with non-zero winding rule (were exported using even-odd rule by earlier versions) - bug #198
  • fix for incorrect colours exported for intermediate shapes in blends - bug #199

Changes between 2.31 and 2.32 (29-Nov-04):

  • long-standing problem with applying font sizes fixed (sometimes, text objects would refuse to accept font size changes) - bugs #36 and #191
  • screen corruption of pasteboard during intermediate Crystal display fixed, bug #63
  • fixed crash when deselecting/converting Replicate object while the Setup... Info Bar is shown (bugs #152, #187)
  • AW2 searches the ink simulation table using both the correct name and the file name given by SparkPlug and reports an error if it is not found/invalid instead of crashing (bugs #189, #190)
  • fixed (harmless) data abort at startup that occurred with the flat fill tool being the default tool (bug #127)

Changes between 2.30 and 2.31 (27-Oct-04):

  • Bug fix for problem copying ClipView objects together with other objects

Changes between 2.22 and 2.30 (14-Oct-04):

New features:

  • Added graduated (linear and radial) transparency, transparency profiles, profile offset control - including SVG export (not for profiles)
  • CMYK ink simulation ("Simulate CMYK inks" and "Simulate CMYK graduations" options in document preferences window, options are saved with the document) for more accurate screen display and composite colour printing of CMYK colours and graduations between CMYK colours
  • Added Arranger functionality (magnetic objects) - new magnet icon in the permanent section of the Info Bar, magnet options in the layer menu and the Add/Edit layer dialogue boxes, magnet field extent configuration in preferences window
  • Snapping options in Selector tool to improve Arranger functionality - the icons control whether the marked spots of the selection's bounding box are snapped to magnetic objects; this allows objects to be snapped to magnetic guide lines easily
  • Text areas can be converted to shapes (via the "Make shapes" menu option or the Ctrl-N shortcut)
  • "Ungroup all" facility added to ungroup several group objects in one go
  • Can make use of "Themes" that can be installed/deinstalled easily (no user interface, see installation/deinstallation instructions of themes)


  • Object type section in Filter dialogue box includes ClipView object type
  • Hatch (pattern-fill) tool supports colour drags to the Info Bar colour fields
  • Empty/filled circle in layer list (visibility control) replaced by eye icon (designed by Richard Hallas)
  • Add/Edit layer boxes stay on screen when OK is clicked with Adjust button
  • various improvements of the layer list window and the Edit layer dialogue
  • various minor user interface improvements in preferences system
  • Various up/down arrows (e.g., font size/aspect, zoom percentage, etc.) now support Adjust-clicking (reverses the action)
  • Clicking with Adjust on the Up/Down and Front/Back buttons in the Selector Info Bar moves in the opposite direction

Bug fixes:

  • ClipView, Crystal, BMExport have more reliable (ClipView) or new (BMExport, Crystal) error handling - earlier versions could stiff the machine
  • Empty groups are ignored when importing Draw files (instead of causing an error) (bug #163)
  • bug #166 fixed (incorrect bounding boxes for Hatch export)
  • Importing Draw/EPS files with text sometimes confused TextTool, which would subsequently display its Info Bar even while not being the current tool (bug #172)
  • Shape conversion problems of text lines consisting of [hard] spaces or unprintable characters only fixed (bug #162)

Changes between ArtWorks 2.21 and 2.22 (24-May-04):

Bug fixes:

  • SVG export fixed (unfortunately, SVG export was completely disabled in 2.21)
  • transformed PostScript printing of JPEGs corrected (i.e., rotated, skewed or reflected JPEGs or transformed printing, such as landscape) - it now prints JPEGs at their full native resolutions irrespective of scaling
  • current page colour is correctly ticked in the page colour menu

Changes between ArtWorks 2.10 and 2.21:

New features:

  • ClipView - dynamic clipping! Any collection of objects (e.g., shapes, text lines, text areas, sprites, JPEGs, moulds and perspectives, even other ClipViews!) can be clipped to a path. The clipping path of the resulting ClipView object remains fully editable.
  • Tool selection short-cuts. Pressing Tab followed by a user-defined letter switches the current tool.
  • Ellipses, rectangles, rounded rectangles and polygons display a tiny cross in their centres when selected, moved or transformed.
  • "From centre" option in Ellipse Info Bar: Allows ellipses to be created by first defining the centre and dragging from there (as Draw does it).


  • Vastly improved JPEG rendering code, now fully compatible with Printers 1.64 and above and working correctly with crop marks and tiling enabled
  • sprite pool window uses Desktop font in Small and Large icon mode (still system font in Full info mode)
  • redesigned HatchPro info bars
  • correctly imports colour information from flawed ArtWorks EPS files exported by Xara X
  • Resizer resizes large objects with less accuracy to avoid the "Objects could not be resized accurately" error

Bug fixes:

  • the 256 colour version of the HSV colour strip is used in true colour modes instead of the 16 colour version, which looks much nicer
  • two fixes for long-standing sprite handling bugs
  • fix for New/Edit colour from the Utilities menu or the Colour Bar: the resulting colour was sometimes randomly applied to objects
  • changing page size of "Mini" file resulted in (harmless) EM00 error - fixed
  • dragging Hue slider no longer causes redraw artifacts (text without anti-aliasing) in HSV colour dialogue
  • sprite pool window shows 16 and 256 colour sprites without palettes correctly in true colour modes; NB. 256 colour sprites with full palettes are still not displayed correctly in the sprite pool in true colour modes
  • "1 Sprite in !" bug fixed (bug #130)
  • Fixed Page ruler display problems (e.g., inches at 300%, or mm at 3700%).
  • Fixed minor font units menu problem in kernel preferences window.
  • Fixed "EL04" problem sometimes after deleting a colour (bug #99)
  • Fixed New colour "Untitled" number double increment bug (#26)
  • Fixed problems during auto-scroll of drags of rounded polygons
  • Fixed problems during auto-scroll of QuickCopy drags
  • Fixed problems with using Intersect operations on a group containing both shapes and unconvertible objects (bug #42)
  • Title of Separation list is terminated correctly (for non-UK messages)

Changes between ArtWorks 2.09 and 2.10:

  • "Check for unused sprites" feature corrected (clicking Cancel to abort the save operation now works as expected)

Changes between ArtWorks 2.07b and 2.09:

New features:

  • Added "New document" menu entry to icon bar (document stationery) - all documents that are found in !ArtWorks2.Stationery when ArtWorks 2 is run appear on the menu in addition to the default document. The "Open directory" entry that appears last on the menu opens the Stationery directory.
  • TextArea: double-click selects the word under the pointer, triple-click selects a whole paragraph
  • Added "Check for unused sprites" option in kernel preferences box. When a document is saved, a warning is displayed if there are any unused sprites in its sprite pool.
  • TextArea: default font/font size configuration dialogue box
  • TextTool: default font/font size configuration dialogue box
  • PathTool: default join style configuration dialogue box


  • If a document containing text areas is loaded and it uses fonts that are not known (and thus substituted) or fonts that used to be substituted when the document was saved but are now known then all text areas are reformatted
  • TextTool: if Return is pressed to start a new text line, it inherits the font and font size from the edited text line (as opposed to the font/size that was last applied)
  • Text line objects are considered top to bottom when placing the caret (as opposed to bottom to top in earlier versions) - much more intuitive because in the case of overlapping text objects, the top one is the preferred object
  • "Relaxed caret placement": holding down Ctrl makes placing the caret in a text line less fiddly. Instead of having to click on a character (as in earlier versions), you can then click between characters, too.
  • !Choices read from Choices:ArtWorks and saved to <Choices$Write>.ArtWorks in preference (otherwise falling back on the local file) - allows multi-user configuration to work (RISC OS Select)
  • Program choices file is cached so disc access is minimised for read-only access
  • AutoSave no longer displays a save box. Earlier versions brought up a save box for an instant that could accidentally swallow keypresses resulting in the file being saved under the wrong name.
  • AutoSave can be switched on in the default document (only takes effect after the doc is first saved)
  • minimum page size is 1pix instead of 1cm
  • Pop-up icon in Add layer box is greyed (the icon is only useful for the Edit layer box)
  • Layer name field in Add/Edit layer box acquires the caret when the box is opened
  • Error messages returned from RISC OS are displayed when printer: cannot be opened (earlier versions only displayed "Unable to print") - useful for UniPrint because it reports important information
  • Warning message when printing to Taborca (including Cancel button to cancel the print)
  • Fonts that were known when the doc was loaded but suddenly cease to be available are now substitued by Trinity.Medium in TextArea instead of not being displayed at all.
  • Font substitution for unknown fonts in TextArea uses Trinity.Medium instead of AvantG.Book.
  • TextArea: added "help" buttons, Info Bars redesigned
  • TextTool always uses Homerton.Medium to substitute unknown fonts.
  • The QuickCopy Info Bar options are remembered if the tool is deselected and reselected
  • Added Dutch messages to Mould, Group, ShowXY and SVGExport modules (thanks to Paul Reuvers)
  • Corrected Dutch translations in Translate, Viewer, PathTool, HatchPro, Blend, MScale, PrSetup, TextArea, Selector, Group
  • Corrected Dutch translations in main messages file
  • added new items by Samuel to main Help file
  • Various dialogues edited to make labels fit better (colour editor, print box), removed colons in some German and Dutch and a few English resources

Bug fixes (again some for long-standing ArtWorks 1 bugs!):

  • Extra grids work with Crystal transparency (in earlier versions, the Grid was simply not displayed)
  • "Overflow while transforming point" bug fixed when zooming into large pages
  • Toggling size now works with unselected windows even if the system's "cover iconbar" option is off (#103)
  • Dragging a window to full size and then clicking on toggle size no longer toggles it to a random position and size.
  • If a window is not wide enough to cover the screen (e.g., A4 at 50%), then toggling back from full size did not work - fixed now
  • !Choices file date is only changed when the choices have been modified (as opposed to changing the file date as soon as the app has started up)
  • Sprite name corruption when copying Contone sprite between documents fixed
  • "Ignore page border" option in Print dialogue is remembered correctly
  • Undo information is built if page size is changed by clicking Adjust on the OK button in the Document setup dialogue box
  • Replicate - incorrect Info Bar display for Diamond [outline] fixed (#108)
  • TextTool changes back from curve mode to normal Info Bar mode when the doc is closed and a new doc is opened (#109)
  • JPEGObject: Printers 1.64+ fix re-enabled (was broken in 2.07)
  • TextTool changes back from curve mode to normal Info Bar mode when the text is removed from the curve (#111)

Changes between ArtWorks 2.07 and 2.07b:

  • Includes a bug-fixed version of the ABI3 module that cures a recently discovered bug: Turning the WYSIWYG knob while !Help is active used to cause crashes.

Changes between ArtWorks 2.06 and 2.07:

New features:

  • Page rulers: "Show page ruler" entry in "View" menu and configuration option for page ruler units in the ArtWorks 2 choices box
  • "Save JPEG" button and Dpi field in the JPEG Info box
  • Text area info box (called up by pressing Shift-F1) displaying the size of the text story and the number of words
  • Text export from text areas using the "Save text" button in the text area info box
  • New Print setup tool and "Use print offsets" button in Print dialogue.
  • "Ignore page borders" options in Print dialogue box added.
  • The printer name is displayed in the "Print" dialogue box title bar (and updated when the printer is changed)
  • New "Setup..." button in the Text tool Info Bar for text on curve: This displays a new Info Bar that allows you to control the start offset of the text and the distance of the text from the curve.
  • Lots of new interactive help messages - the help should now cover all dialogue boxes, Info Bars and menu entries (except possibly most recently added features)

Bug fixes (some for long-standing ArtWorks 1 bugs!):

  • text to path conversion problems with text to the left of the page border fixed (fixes "Make shapes", applying complex fills and exporting) (#61)
  • font checks when loading a document correctly look at currently available fonts instead of using the font set at the time when the font menu was last displayed (#58) - a long-standing ArtWorks 1 bug
  • fix for "Set page size": this option only worked for the first time and generated incorrect PostScript files when used a second time without clicking on the PoScript printer icon inbetween (#96)
  • Bug in grouping code fixed that sometimes caused grouped objects to lose their attributes, e.g., fills (#81)
  • Draw import of tagged objects fixed (partially, not for tagged objects in a group) (#86) - a long-standing ArtWorks 1 bug
  • page size of imported Draw docs is now limited to the max page size in ArtWorks (before, a huge bounding box could create docs with enormous page sizes that could result in various problems) (#87)
  • JPEGObject checks for both "Direct drive laser" and "LBP4 direct drive laser" printer drivers and prints JPEGs as sprites in this case (might fix LaserDirect issue)
  • Overprint setting is copied correctly when copying objects via the clipboard. (#91)
  • If a save operation fails after being initiated by pressing Return or clicking on OK rather than dragging the save icon, the last loaded or saved file was deleted! (#93) - a serious long-standing ArtWorks 1 bug
  • Redraw bug for auto-scroll during TextArea resize operation fixed (#33)
  • bug fix for "Distribute base lines" - earlier versions moved non-text objects incorrectly
  • "Distribute base lines" with only two objects selected could lead to a crash (in particular under RISC OS 3.7) - fixed (#76)
  • Skew tool crosshair redraw problems fixed (#72)
  • Text in text areas is exported to Illustrator EPS (as shapes) (#73)

Changes between ArtWorks 2.05 and 2.06:

  • User-defined dash patterns (entered by clicking on the "User-defined" button in the dash pattern dialogue box).
  • Separate control over width and length of arrowheads: The new option icons in the arrowhead dialogue box allow you to enter a different value for Length and for Width.
  • Added support for "pix" units - at 100% scaling this unit represents a 90 dpi screen pixel.
  • Added "pixels" to page/font/lines unit configuration menu
  • Added "Line units" configuration option: line width dialogue box displays line width in this unit
  • Correct behaviour for Shift-Adjust click on Close icon: This does not close document, it only displays the Filer window for the file's parent directory
  • Zoom buttons with default zoom factors in the Zoom tool
  • The Colour bar is taken into account when toggling window to full size.
  • The system policy about toggling to full size not obscuring the icon bar is taken into account.
  • Linear/radial fill arrows can be adjusted using Adjust instead of Select: If Adjust is used instead of Select to edit a graduated fill arrow, you do not run danger of losing the arrow because of not clicking near enough to one of its ends. Instead, the nearest end of the arrow is adjusted.
  • HatchPro bug fixed: Pressing return in the user-defined pattern fill parameter setup Info Bar used to cause an Ea02 error.
  • Interactive help for many dialogue boxes (e.g., Choices) and for the remaining tools.
  • Replicate "text with outline replication bug" fixed
  • Polygon inner handle drag snaps to grid if no other constraint (Shift or Ctrl) is active.
  • Correct menu icons in print, colour, layer edit, Filter dialogues and in Crystal, Text, Hatch Info Bar
  • Various bugs fixed that led to "EM00" errors when closing a document window
  • Crystal "always prints first layer bug" fixed

Changes between ArtWorks 2.04 and 2.05:

  • New Skew tool (see documentation in the ArtWorks 2 Short Guide, manual revision 1.03)
  • Applying arrowheads used to crash on 32-bit systems - fixed
  • Stack order select (selecting with Shift held down) sometimes crashed on 32-bit systems - fixed
  • Interactive help for the permanent Info Bar controls added
  • Interactive help for the tools in the Toolbox added
  • Dutch messages are correctly read on discs with long filename support
  • Many additional Dutch and German messages
  • Bigger buttons in alert box to accomodate German messages

Changes between ArtWorks 2.04 and 2.04b:

  • Draw export of hatched shapes fixed

Changes between ArtWorks 2.03 and 2.04:

  • Freehand drawing fixed - at high accuracy settings, there huge hoops were generated in the resulting path under certain circumstances
  • Deleting the active layer caused problems - fixed
  • MRotate, MScale, QuickCopy, PathUtils and ShowXY modules supplied
  • When running on the Iyonix, PC style key conventions are used in text lines and text areas (as recommended under RISC OS 5)

Changes between ArtWorks 2.02 and 2.03:

  • Fit text to curve fixed - did not work in earlier versions of ArtWorks 2
  • In ArtWorks 2.02, entering a space in the save box used to close the box (under RISC OS < 5), this is now fixed
  • If Ctrl-Shift-Z is pressed to remove the current document while a layer list window is open, it is closed
  • Minor bug fixed that could lead to crashes when displaying the layers menu

Changes between ArtWorks 2.01 and 2.02:

  • A serious bug with transparent printing fixed that could cause incorrect printouts of files with transparency on machines with a large amount of free memory. This was the main reason why this update was issued so quickly after releasing ArtWorks 2.
  • Undo buffer configuration dialogue box fixed (e.g., up/down arrows did not work correctly).
  • ArtWorks 2.01 did not display the "Zoom" pointer when the zoom tool was selected. This is fixed.
  • Spaces in file names are not accepted except under RISC OS 5, where they are converted to hard spaces by the OS automatically.
  • A slightly less empty startup banner (still preliminary)

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Last modified: 07-May-12