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Known ArtWorks 1 bugs

Welcome to the ArtWorks 1 bug tracking page

This page lists some known bugs in version 1 of ArtWorks. Please note that ArtWorks 1 is no longer supported. It has been superseded by ArtWorks 2, which is being actively developed. Therefore, all information and software on this page is provided 'as is' without any warranty or support.

Known bugs in ArtWorks 1

Legend:  fixed = fixed bug   fixed = bug fixing in progress   not fixed = bug without a fix

Status Ref Added Component Version Bug name Bug fix
fixed AWR01 10/05/01 AWRender < 1.30 Custom fill bug Fixed in AWRender 1.30 or higher, released as part of AWViewer.
When an ArtWorks file containing custom fill types (e.g., Hatch(Pro) fills) is imported into Impression, OvationPro etc., this leads to a crash.
fixed GD01 03/03/01 GDraw all Bounded clipping buffer Fixed in GDraw 2.96 or higher, released as part of AWViewer.
The buffer used in GDraw to clip shapes against each other is very small causing the infamous "Clipping has failed due to lack of memory" error.
fixed GD02 26/07/01 GDraw < 2.96 Line width limit Fixed in GDraw 2.97 or higher, released as part of AWViewer.
GDraw rendered incorrectly to screen modes with more than 4096 bytes per line (e.g., true-colour modes (16M colours) with a width of more than 1024 pixels. This affected ViewFinder use and high-resolution bitmap export with the BMExport module.
fixed GS01 14/03/02 GSpriteExtend < 0.68 Masked deep sprites bug Fixed in GSpriteExtend 0.68 or higher, released as part of AWViewer.
Deep sprites (32k or 16M colours) with a mask were rendered incorrectly - the mask information was not applied to the correct pixels. GSpriteExtend interpreted the mask in the wrong way: It was offset by one pixel horizontally. The most obvious symptom was an additional visible solid pixel column (often white) at the right hand edge of masked deep sprites, but depending on the source sprite data, there could also be additional noticeable visual defects. This bug surfaced in Impression as well.
fixed K01 03/03/01 Kernel all Free memory bug Fixed by the kernel patch (any version)
The mechanism used by the kernel to determine the amount of free memory does not work correctly with large amounts of memory (>112M) (see the answer to Q3 in the FAQ).
fixed K02 03/03/01 Kernel all Document preferences window extent bug Fixed by the AWFixMod module 1.00 or higher.
If there are more than 4 icons in the Document choices window, the window is not made bigger to accomodate the icons in the second row - only a very thin border of them is visible but they are not accessible. This situation can happen if you have more than two of the following modules installed: Arranger, Precision, AutoSave, Crystal - each of them adds another icon to the two icons already present in the Document choices window.
fixed K03 19/03/01 Kernel all RISC OS 4 choices saving bug Fixed by the kernel patch 0.23 or higher (ArtWorks 1.7c)
Choosing "Save choices" from the icon bar menu leads to a crash.
fixed K04 16/05/01 Kernel all Tick under RISC OS 4 Fixed by the AWFixMod module 1.00 or higher.
A Euro symbol is displayed instead of the tick symbol in the colour, separation and ink menus if ArtWorks is used under RISC OS 4. The standard menu tree is not affected.
not fixed K05 07/12/01 Kernel all Overflow error No.
Large page sizes combined with large scaling factors can cause an "Overflow while transforming point" error. The maximum scale factor (4000%) fails starting from A1 page size. The error occurs when drawing the actual page background - objects are rendered at high scale factors at any position.
fixed K06 08/08/01 Kernel <2.07 File deletion on failed export. Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
If a file is exported as EPS by entering a path in the export dialogue box and clicking on OK (fortunately, a very rare thing to do!) and the export fails due to lack of disc space, then the original ArtWorks file is deleted instead of the half-finished EPS file. NB: Exporting by dragging the file icon is not affected.
fixed K07 28/08/02 Kernel all Colour table import Fixed by the AWFixMod module 1.03 or higher.
Importing a colour table into the first still unselected ArtWorks window can cause a crash (module's r12 not relocated when calling TransProc_SelectWindow).
fixed PT01 03/03/01 PathTool <=0.05 Attribute slots bug Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
After switching between multiple ArtWorks windows, the error "Current attributes system has run out of slots - This should only happen if the path module is badly assembled." is displayed. This bug dates back to the very first version of ArtWorks.
not fixed PT02 05/03/01 PathTool all Draw bounding box bug No.
Blended paths exported to Draw have a bounding box that does not take line widths, join style and start/end caps into account. This means that the exported file will not render correctly in some third-party applications. Draw is not affected because it corrects bounding boxes.
not fixed PT03 05/06/01 PathTool all Control points bug No.
When closing a path or when changing the sharp/smooth property of a line endpoint, bezier control points in the middle of the path may change.
fixed PT04 15/08/01 PathTool <0.09 Rounded rectangle radius scaling Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
When scaling a rounded rectangle, the shape is scaled correctly, but the corner radius value as stored in the rectangle and displayed in the Info Bar is not changed.
fixed PT05 15/08/01 PathTool <0.09 Rounded rectangle radius change Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
When undoing a resize operation on a rounded rectangle, the corner radius is changed to the last value used when editing/creating a rounded rectangle.
not fixed PT06 05/09/01 PathTool all Export of special fills with non-zero winding rule No.
Special fills provided by external fill providers (at the time of writing, this means Hatch or HatchPro fills) are not exported correctly to EPS or Draw if the winding rule is non-zero. They are always exported as even-odd although they are displayed correctly using the none-zero winding rule.
fixed SP01 03/03/01 SpritePool <=1.10 Selector with masked sprites bug Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
Masked sprites appear completely solid to the Selector, i.e. you are not able to select objects that are visible through the masked area of a sprite
not fixed SP02 03/03/01 SpritePool all Deep sprites with mask EPS rendering bug No.
The EPS exported for Deep sprites with masks is incorrect when rendered using a PostScriptTM engine. The mask is reversed.
not fixed SP03 29/06/01 SpritePool all Deep sprites with mask EPS import bug No.
The EPS exported for Deep sprites with masks cannot be reimported into ArtWorks. The error message "Sprite handler (TranslateSprite) Length of sprite image is incorrect" is displayed.
fixed TD01 03/03/01 T_Draw <.0961 Broken Draw export of deep sprites Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
If you export a document containing deep sprites to Draw format, the error "Draw : (TranslatePathProcedures) No path header created." or the error "Draw : (Pull) Trying to pull a value with nothing on the draw parameter stack." is displayed.
fixed TD02 31/08/01 T_Draw <0.965 Dash pattern Draw export resource leak bug. Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
For each shape with a dash pattern that is exported to Draw format, a memory handle is lost. After about 200 such shapes (in one document, or even accumulated after exporting several documents), ArtWorks crashes because it runs out of memory handles.
fixed TD03 03/05/02 T_Draw <0.966 Font table Draw import bug. Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
When importing a file with an empty font table, ArtWorks hangs. This does not happen with Draw files created by Draw, only with files created by some third-party utilities.
fixed TE01 08/08/01 T_EPS <0.959 EPS export resource leak bug. Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
Due to a resource tracking problem, the export dialogue box is allocated each time a document is exported leading to a data abort after about 12 exported documents.
fixed TE02 19/12/01 T_EPS <=0.959 EPS sprite import bug. Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
Importing ArtWorks EPS files with more than one sprite led to an abort on data transfer error if there were additional objects between the sprites.
fixed TF01 08/08/01 Transform <0.03 'Lines' option when undoing a scaling operation Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
If a scaling operation is undone, the current 'Lines' option setting is used instead of the one that was used when the scaling operation was performed. This means that after undoing a scaling operation, the line widths of the scaled objects are incorrect if the current state of the 'Lines' option differs from that used for the scaling operation. NB: Undoing a multiple scaling operation using the MScale module works as expected.
fixed TT01 03/03/01 TextTool <1.11 Text line caret placement bug Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
You can place the caret in text lines on inactive and invisible layers. This should not happen as this makes it impossible to place the caret in a text line on the currently active layer while there is a text line at the same position on an inactive/invisible layer above it.
fixed TT02 03/03/01 TextTool <1.12 Text colour EPS rendering bug Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
The EPS exported for coloured text lines is rendered in black by a PostScriptTM engine.
fixed TT03 08/06/01 TextTool <1.13 Rotated text EPS rendering bug Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
The EPS exported for rotated text lines is incorrect if the EPS export option Convert text to shapes is off and causes EPS interpretation by a PostScriptTM engine to fail (/nocurrentpoint in currentpoint error).
fixed TT04 14/06/01 TextTool <1.13 Rotated text and kerning EPS rendering bug Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
The EPS exported for rotated text lines is incorrect if the text contains kerning and the EPS export option Convert text to shapes is off: The remainder of the text line starting from the first kerned character is not rotated.
fixed TT05 18/11/01 TextTool <1.14 Font name change bug Fixed in ArtWorks 2.
Sometimes, font name changes are ignored or even lead to a crash. This bug only occurs rarely.

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Available patches and bug-fixes

This section lists patches and bug-fixes for the ArtWorks kernel (the main ArtWorks application), and for the Arranger module. Bug-fixes for the standard modules that come with ArtWorks are now made available as part of ArtWorks 2

ArtWorks kernel patch

This kernel patch, provided by Matthias Seifert, fixes the bugs K01 and K03 in the ArtWorks kernel. It should be installed by every ArtWorks 1.x user and it is essential if you have RISC OS 4 or if you have more than 112M of RAM in your machine.

Kernel patch icon ArtWorks kernel patch 0.23 ArtWorks kernel patch. The latest version of the patch is 0.23, uploaded 19-Mar-01. ArtWorks 1.7 with this patch installed reports itself as version 1.7c.

ArtWorks bug-fix module

This ArtWorks module, called AWFixMod, fixes bugs K02, K04 and K07 in the ArtWorks kernel. It should be installed by every ArtWorks 1.x user.

AWFixMod icon AWFixMod 1.03 ArtWorks bug-fix module. Speeds up blank page rendering on ViewFinder. ArtWorks 1.7 with the kernel patch and this module installed reports itself as version 1.7f.

Patches for third-party modules

Arranger patch icon Arranger StrongARM patch Makes the Arranger module (published by Open Sky Projects, distributed in the UK by Computer Concepts) StrongARM compatible.

ABI module fix for Select4/RISC OS 6/A9Home

This bug-fixed version of the ABI module used by Impression and ArtWorks 1.x avoids a crash that occurred with previous versions of this module when pressing Return in a dialogue box with a default button (e.g., the Save box in Impression or ArtWorks 1.x) when running under any Select4 variant of RISC OS (RISC OS 4.42 on the A9Home or RISC OS 6.06 or higher on other platforms). It should be installed by every Impression and ArtWorks 1.x user using Select4.

ABIMod version 2.88 also allows the WordWorks thesaurus that came with Impression to run on Select4 variants of RISC OS (i.e., all versions mentioned above) - with older versions of ABIMod WordWorks suffered from a crash during startup that prevented it from running.

Archive icon ABIMod 2.88 Bug-fixed version of Computer Concepts' ABI module (17-Jul-07) used by Impression and ArtWorks 1.x.

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Last modified: 19-Jul-07