


Text menu

The Text menu contains commands that let you control the appearance of the text, its font, size, weight, style, colour, language and case. It also contains commands for Bold, Italic, Plain, Superscripts and Subscripts.

Type style...

The Type style... command leads to a dialogue box where you can set the Typeface, Point size, Weight and Style of the current selection. You can also choose Underlined or Strikeout.


The Fonts that are available, appear in the Font pop-up menu. Click on the required font to select it.

Point size

The current size of the font is shown in the Height writable icon. It can be changed by editing, clicking one of the 8 - 72 point buttons or by clicking the up and down arrows.


The font can be made narrower or wider from 10% to 999% by editing the aspect writable icon or by clicking the arrows.


Different weights such as Bold or Medium can be chosen from pop-up menus. Regular appears if the default weight is unnamed.


Different type styles such as Italic or Oblique can be chosen from pop-up menus. The normal type style for the font (often Roman) is shown as (Plain).


Click on the Try button to see the effect of the changes. (The effect of Underline and Strikeout will not be seen).


The Font command leads to a submenu where you can choose a font from a list of all those that are available to you.

Font size

The Font size command leads to a submenu where you can choose from a range of sizes from 8 to 72 points. You can also enter a point size at the bottom of the menu.


The Colour command leads to a dialogue box where you can choose the colour for the selected text.


The Country command allows you to apply a language to a selection. This language will be used by the hyphenation and spell checking routines.

If you have the appropriate dictionaries installed, the spelling checker will automatically use one that corresponds to the language applied to the text. Words in a language for which you do not have a dictionary will be ignored.

When a spelling dictionary is available it will appear in bold in the Spelling Exceptions pop-up menu in the icon bar. A tick to the left of the language in the Country menu indicates the language chosen for the word containing the caret.

You can also apply 'None' as the language for text you do not want spell checked or hyphenated (e.g.. a program listing).


The Case commands are used to modify either a selection or text that is being typed. Only the displayed and printed text is modified. EasiWriter keeps a copy of the text just as it was typed.

Mixed case

The Mixed case command is the normal condition. Characters typed when mixed case is chosen are displayed as typed.

Upper case

The UPPER CASE command changes text to uppercase (capitals). Numerals and other characters that do not have upper and lower cases are not affected.

Lower case

The lower case command changes text to lower case. Numerals and other characters that do not have upper and lower case are not affected.

Initial caps

The Initial Caps command converts the first character of each word to upper case, the remaining characters are converted to lower case.


Function key F7 can also be used to change case. Pressing it moves the caret over the character to its right changing its case from lower to upper case and vice versa. Unlike the Case commands described above, this command permanently changes the text.

Auto kern

Choose this command to apply kerning to the selected text. Kerning adjusts the space between pairs of letters and can improve the appearance and legibility of text. Note the spacing of W A and A Y in the following:


The Plain command removes any emphasis that may have been applied to a selection.


Changes the selected text to Bold, if a suitable bold effect exists in the font of the selection. Any subsequent change of the base font will cause EasiWriter to look for the same effect in the new font. If no suitable effect can be found then the text will be displayed in the base font.


Changes the selected text to Italic/oblique, if a suitable effect exists in the font of the selection. Any subsequent change of the base font will cause EasiWriter to look for the same effect in the new font. If no suitable effect can be found then the text will be displayed in the base font.

User styles

User defined emphasis styles are appended to the bottom of the Text menu.

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